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[22:15] <deadswitch> ok who's still up
[22:15] <blueboxkid> o/
[22:15] <t0neline> trying to fix my redbox
[22:15] <copperveins> here. reading through these old reports
[22:16] <MetalGear404> cat's finally asleep
[22:16] <MetalGear404> only cost me two capacitors and my sanity
[22:16] <deadswitch> copper did you see this biogeology thing
[22:16] <xphile> what's biogeology
[22:17] <copperveins> yeah. weird department for a phone company
[22:17] <blueboxkid> lmao prairie tel is people
[22:17] <t0neline> soylent green reference in 2024?
[22:17] <deadswitch> no but seriously what were they studying
[22:18] <copperveins> something about signal propagation through organic matter
[22:18] <xphile> t0ne your stuff breaks more than my relationships
[22:18] <MetalGear404> my cat just twitched in his sleep and i flinched
[22:18] <deadswitch> gran's notes keep referencing "echo-1 capable exchanges"
[22:19] <copperveins> that matches the tape code
[22:19] <blueboxkid> think we could find one?
[22:19] <t0neline> xphile: thx trying now
[22:19] <void_stack> you need the right equipment
[22:20] <deadswitch> where did you come from??
[22:20] <copperveins> always does that
[22:20] <MetalGear404> 2spooky4me
[22:21] <blueboxkid> but how do we find an exchange
[22:21] <xphile> anyone seen the new batman
[22:21] <copperveins> thinking... what if we check old phone books
[22:22] <deadswitch> for what?
[22:22] <copperveins> exchanges used different prefixes
[22:22] <copperveins> could identify prairie tel numbers
[22:22] <void_stack> pattern matching would work
[22:23] <blueboxkid> wardial them?
[22:23] <t0neline> careful with that
[22:23] <deadswitch> library probably has old regional directories
[22:24] <copperveins> @blueboxkid DO NOT wardial these
[22:24] <copperveins> not until we know more
[22:24] <void_stack> correct. buffer issues.
[22:24] <MetalGear404> cat's awake
[22:24] <MetalGear404> ABORT ABORT
[22:25] <deadswitch> what buffer issues?
*** void_stack has quit (Ping timeout)
[22:25] <xphile> he does that too
[22:25] <deadswitch> starting to hate when that happens
[22:26] <copperveins> @deadswitch library tomorrow?
[22:26] <deadswitch> yeah. need to find gran's old numbers
[22:26] <blueboxkid> can i help?
[22:27] <copperveins> research only. no dialing.
[22:27] <t0neline> got it working!
[22:27] <xphile> nice
[22:27] <MetalGear404> cat's looking at my oscilloscope
[22:27] <MetalGear404> why
[22:28] <deadswitch> night all. tomorrow we find an exchange
[22:28] <copperveins> be careful
[22:28] <blueboxkid> this is so cool
[22:29] <t0neline> night
[22:29] <MetalGear404> NOT THE OSCILLOSCOPE
[22:29] <xphile> F