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[13:45] <t0neline> anyone got a 2600hz recording
[13:45] <deadswitch> hey all
[13:45] <copperveins> @deadswitch perfect timing
[13:45] <xphile> t0ne: yeah one sec
[13:45] <MetalGear404> my cat just knocked over my breadboard
[13:45] <MetalGear404> there go six hours of work
[13:46] <copperveins> finally got something off one of the tapes last night
[13:46] <void_stack> which one
[13:46] <blueboxkid> ooh story time
[13:46] <xphile> Metal: cat tax
[13:46] <MetalGear404> [cat.jpg]
[13:46] <deadswitch> the unlabeled one?
[13:46] <xphile> he doesn't look sorry
[13:47] <copperveins> yeah. '73 marked in corner
[13:47] <MetalGear404> he never does
[13:47] <xphile> t0ne: http://pastebin.com/xxx
[13:47] <t0neline> thx
[13:47] <deadswitch> what was on it??
[13:48] <copperveins> interface code for something called "echo-1"
[13:48] <copperveins> but here's the weird part
[13:48] <void_stack> oh shit
[13:48] <blueboxkid> what's echo-1?
[13:49] <copperveins> needs some kind of special hardware. "black box terminal"
[13:49] <deadswitch> my grandma mentioned those in her notes
[13:49] <copperveins> and get this - code has hooks for "consciousness packets"
[13:49] <t0neline> consciousness what now
[13:50] <xphile> anyone know how to mod a 555 timer
[13:50] <void_stack> they're still out there
[13:50] <deadswitch> what do you mean still out there
[13:51] <void_stack> pt never removed all the black boxes
[13:51] <void_stack> when telus took over
[13:51] <blueboxkid> where??
[13:51] <copperveins> old exchanges probably. things have a tendency to settle into place.
[13:52] <t0neline> anyone got the datasheet for mc14569b
[13:53] <deadswitch> some of these papers are freaking me out
[13:54] <blueboxkid> what kind of freaking out
[13:54] <xphile> nvm fixed the 555
[13:54] <deadswitch> there's a memo about "storage capacity"
[13:54] <deadswitch> but i think it's talking about people
[13:55] <void_stack> standard operating procedure
[13:55] <copperveins> anyone know where to find old PT exchange locations?
[13:55] <t0neline> should be public record
[13:55] <copperveins> not since the merger
[13:55] <copperveins> telus dumped half the documentation
[13:56] <blueboxkid> check wayback machine?
[13:56] <deadswitch> gran's notes mention something about CRTC filings
[13:57] <void_stack> won't help
[13:57] <void_stack> they didn't have to disclose them
[13:57] <copperveins> @deadswitch what year are those filings?
[13:58] <deadswitch> checking
[13:58] <t0neline> what frequency should this output
[13:58] <xphile> t0ne: should be 2713hz
[13:59] <deadswitch> looks like... 1979?
[13:59] <copperveins> pre-digital then
[13:59] <copperveins> might be able to cross reference with old infrastructure maps
[14:00] <void_stack> check maintenance schedules
[14:00] <deadswitch> where would those be?
[14:00] <void_stack> annual reports
[14:00] <void_stack> they had to document truck routes
[14:01] <copperveins> smart. municipal archives maybe?
[14:01] <blueboxkid> i can help look
[14:00] <t0neline> xphile: thx
[14:01] <deadswitch> guys im scared about what happened to gran
[14:01] <copperveins> we don't have to do this
[14:01] <void_stack> yes we do
[14:02] <deadswitch> why?
[14:02] <void_stack> buffer's almost full
[14:02] <copperveins> what does that mean?
[14:02] <void_stack> check the logs
[14:02] <copperveins> which logs?
*** void_stack has quit (Ping timeout)
[14:03] <blueboxkid> wtf
[14:03] <deadswitch> that was weird
[14:05] <t0neline> getting weird harmonics
[14:08] <copperveins> we should hit the archives first
[14:08] <deadswitch> k. need sleep. ttyl?
[14:08] <copperveins> yeah. i'll read the old telus directories
[14:09] <xphile> t0ne: try adjusting the cap
[14:09] <blueboxkid> can i help with research at least
[14:09] <t0neline> still getting noise
[14:05] <copperveins> @blueboxkid check newspaper archives
[14:05] <MetalGear404> cat just knocked over my coffee into the breadboard
[14:05] <MetalGear404> this is fine
[14:05] <xphile> your cat's trying to tell you something
[14:06] <MetalGear404> yeah "feed me or the oscillator gets it next"
[14:06] <copperveins> they used to announce exchange upgrades
[14:07] <blueboxkid> k will check libraries
[14:07] <MetalGear404> CAT NO
[14:07] <MetalGear404> brb
[14:08] <copperveins> night all